Continuous UX monitoring and auditing for large websites
Sitefig is helping businesses manage and maintain their
Automatically tests your website for UX issues (contrast, screenshots, images),
Accessibility and GDPR compliance,
performance (Core web vitals), code errors (Javascript errors, html issues,
broken links) while taking care your Content and SEO efforts actually pay off.
Flawless websites and UX

Automate quality control with Sitefig
Getting a website online and working takes a lot of testing.
Sitefig helps you focus on what matters and reduces your teams testing effort.
Continuous monitoring

Monthly, weekly and on-demand crawling
Automatic and scheduled crawls with private containers.
Start an on-demand crawls when a new website is ready, Sitefig starts a cluster for each client.
Get compliant, stay compliant

WCAG Accessibility compliance
Everyone benefits from making your website more accessible.
Accessibility is user experience, and Sitefig provides you with all the tools to ensure all pages are WCAG compliant.

Sitefig is so far ahead in terms of error detection.
What makes Sitefig special?
It is build by people who have managed websites for large international companies, build national portals used by millions of people.
Sitefig was build for large websites and all the issues that come with scaled up websites.
Web teams are limited in resources and time, just like you and me.
And building an automated checklist also takes time.
Sitefig solves all those issues and scans every page for any website you like, while being extremely error tolerant so you can be sure that any errors on your website are picked up.
Sitefig verifies Core web vitals, Accessibility, code quality and GDPR compliance as well as broken links or missing resources.
There is absolutely no set up needed, just give it a try